
西班牙马铃薯煎蛋饼(Potato Tortilla)

Another old post dug out from my drafts.
Spain potato tortilla, a dish that is simple to prepare yet delicious .
For me it is like a thicker omelet with a lot of potatoes. 
It can be served as breakfast or as a choice of bento.  

The classic tortilla stands on every tapas bar in Spain.
It can be eaten as wedges or
as a meal on itself with salad or 
cut into chunks and enjoyed as a snack.


材料 :
450克   马铃薯/土豆
1           洋葱
45毫升  植物油
4个         鸡蛋(大型)

装饰点缀 :

做法 :
1。 将马铃薯去皮切薄片。 洋葱切细圈。 在一个20公分(8寸)的平底锅,烧热2汤匙植物油。

2。 加入马铃薯薄片,洋葱圈,以中小火焖煮20分钟或马铃薯片呈软状。捞起待用。

3。 在一个大碗里,将鸡蛋与适量的盐和胡椒粉搅匀。拌入马铃薯片和洋葱圈。 

4。 在平底锅里烧热剩余的植物油,倒入马铃薯混合物,小火焖煮至底部干固。

5。 取一个耐热的大碟,覆盖在平底锅上,然后倒扣马铃薯到碟中,再滑回锅里去。 继续焖煮2-3分钟或底部呈金黄色即可。 以适量的切片樱桃番茄和巴斯里菜叶装饰表层。 趁热切片享用。

Potato Tortilla
Serve 6

Ingredients  :
450g    potatoes
1          onion
45ml     vegetable oil
4          large eggs
Some salt and pepper

For garnish :
Some cherry tomato wages and flat leaf parsley

Method  :
1. Cut the potatoes into thin slices. Slice the onion into thin rings. Heat 2tbsp(30ml) oil in a 20cm(8in) heavy frying pan.

2.  Add the potatoes slices and onion rings to the pan and cook with a low heat for 20 minutes or until the potato slices are just tender. Remove from the heat.

3.  In a large bowl, beat together the eggs with a little salt and pepper. Stir in the potatoes and onion.

4. Heat the remaining oil in the pan, pour in the potato mixture. Cook with low flame until set underneath.  

5. Place a large heatproof plate upside-down over the pan, invert the tortilla on to the plate and then slide it back into the pan.  Cook for 2 -3 minutes more, until the underside of the tortilla is golden brown. Garnish with cherry tomato wedges and flat leaf parsley. Cut into wedges and serve.

@@@@@ Enjoy @@@@@ 

6 条评论:

  1. Yummy... means no need to use any tortilla wrap right?

    1. Yes Teryl......may be we can name it as wrapless tortilla? LoL..

  2. 好丰富的。。。不只不难做,而且也健康。 我大流口水了。

    1. 你的到来倒让我觉得这道料理可以归纳为素食哦。。。。。哈哈哈哈

  3. Good morning Aunty Young,
    I'm drooling over these yummy Potato Tortilla!

    1. Good morning Karen...
      Thank you for dropping by. This easy prepared tortilla is my girl favourite. She can eat half plate of it.
